Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

A Little City Called WAGENINGEN

Here are some conversations:
conversation one: me and cousin:
Cousin : dek, jadi berangkat ke Belanda kapan?
Me : tgl 24 dini hari Mbak/Mas, jd 23 malam sdh harus ke bandara.
C : Good luck ya. Btw, ke kota mana nih
M : Wageningen.
C : Oooo... [tanda engga mudeng]

conversation two: me and my boss
M : Pak S****, saya keterima beasiswa NFP, Pak
B : Wah, selamat! Belanda ya? Keterima di Universitas mana?
M : Wageningen
B : Wah, selamat..! Selamat hidup dengan sapi-sapi, menikmati pedesaan, jauh dari peradaban kota.
M : Saya suka sapi koq Pak [jawaban ngasal]

Wageningen, have you ever heard about this town?
For you who study in natural science, may be you heard about it once or twice, about the University. Well, the Wageningen University and Research Center is really well-known for life science students. But not about the city. I never know about the city before. I got little story about the city from my boss-wife who spent 4 months here for her Post-Doc. But I think it's not enough.

If you ask me about Wageningen in words, I will say: suburb, farms, silent, cold, beautiful. I love it!
Just judge it yourself by these photos, please
the crossroad

me, in front of our temporary house

the housing

unique residence

the water canal

the centrum

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