Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

February Project

Last February I got a little project for myself [just to keep me sane enough]. It is about putting some seconds of my daily life into a video. I was inspired by a video on youtube when I had a random browsing. I cannot trace back which account it was. But, anyway thanks for him/her, I had a really exciting time to capture my best moment everyday in my life during the cold, cloudy and snowy February. And... un-proudly present my February daily life video... [drum rolls]


Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

does texting hurt your grammar?

cannot pin (in pinterest) the whole length of this infographic, so i put it in this blog instead.
my answer would be: yes! since:
1. english is not my first language
2. i prefer to learn english from any sources, like: movies, songs, and internet; than textbook. those non-textbook sources give me bad grammar (i guess).
how bout you?

 Does Texting Hurt Your Grammar?


Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

floating like a plankton

have you ever had a feeling
like you are floating around the ocean
all you can see only waves and the horizon
and you are too tired to swim
all you want is to close your eyes,
just floating around following the waves
and hope that somehow
when you open your eyes
you find yourself in an inhabitant island
to start a new adventure

enjoying this loneliness
as floating on swaying waves
maybe i need someone to save me
slap me on the face
to open my eyes
to swim across this ocean again

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

in moment like this

tiga dasa warsa yg lalu
di jam-jam ini
Gusti telah memberikan dunia baru
bagi seorang bayi mungil
untuk merasakan indahnya dunia

dalam perjalanan sang bayi,
Dia gandeng tangannya
mengajarnya berjalan di jalanNya,
saat melewati jalan yang curam,
menyinarinya dengan kasih
di tapak yang kelam.

Hingga kini sang bayi mampu tersenyum
saat dia melihat menengok ke belakang
melihat warna-warni masa lalu,
saat menoleh ke samping
merasakan hangatnya cinta dan persahabatan,
saat menatap ke depan
membayangkan segala cita dan asanya.

Kini dalam lirih, sang bayi hanya bisa berbisik,
'Matur nuwun Gusti, sampun paring kawula berkat'

Happy birthday, me!