Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


when I was a little girl,
I dreamed to wear a white coat strolling the labs
I did

reading 'St Malory Towers'
I wanted to live in a little room of my own, with the view of a green nice little town along with forest and the sunset
I do live in one

when I watched 'Candy-candy'
I would like to have a tender, smart, goodlooking boyfriend who really loves me
I met him, and he is better than my expectation

when I grew up,
I dreamed to go abroad for some adventures
I do have them

in my prayers
I whisper, wishing a happy life
and I know that He always gives me happiness in every part of my life

Thanks My Jesus, Thanks Father
for give me the best, always
please let my heart share those happiness to others

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